*Graduate student co-authors
Anderson, J. (2019, May). Working with diverse children, families and communities: Looking back, looking forward. Paper presented at the Supporting Teachers to work with Culturally, Linguistically, and Racially Diverse Students, Families, and Communities Conference, Vancouver, BC.
McTavish, M., Anderson, J., Anderson, A., Hare, J., & *Teichert, L. (2018, November). Young children’s digital tool access and use in socially disadvantaged communities: Parents’ and teachers’ perspectives. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association, Indian Wells, CA.
Anderson, A., & Anderson, J. (2018, April). “Incidental” mathematics during everyday events at home: A case study. Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., Friedrich, N., & *Teichert, L. (2017, May). Young bilingual children’s textual representations Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Toronto, ON.
Anderson, A., & Anderson, J. (2016, April). Children’s mathematics experiences with significant others prior to school. Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., & *Sadiq, A. (2015, December). “I asked my daughter, ‘If I speak Mandarin and English, which one do you prefer?’ She preferred English.” How immigrant and refugee families in a bilingual family literacy program view first language maintenance. Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, CA.
Anderson, A. & Anderson, J. (2015, June). “Incidental” mathematical events at home: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, ON.
*Friedrich, N., Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2014, December). Culturally appropriate pedagogy: Lessons from a bilingual family literacy program for immigrant and refugee families. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association, Marco Beach, FL.
Anderson, A., & Anderson, J. (2014, May). Pre-school math and culture: A case study of three South-Asian dyads playing a board game. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, St. Catherines, ON.
Anderson, A., & Anderson, J. (2013, June). Mothers’ perceptions of parent-child mathematical events at home: An observational study. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Victoria, BC.
Anderson, A., Anderson, J., Hare, J., & McTavish, M. (2012, May) Research with young children and their families in a globalized world: Issues and perspectives. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Waterloo, ON.
Anderson, J., Morrison, F., *Friedrich, N., & *Kim, J. (2012, May). PALS in Immigrant Communities: A bilingual family literacy project with new Canadians. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Reading Association, Chicago, IL.
Anderson, A., *Kim, J., Anderson, J, & Shapiro, J. (2012, April). Parents mediating preschoolers’ print and mathematical literacy during a board game. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA.
*Kim, J., & Anderson, J. (2011, November). Parent-child shared reading across different storybook modes: Digital texts, LeapFrog, and traditional print formats. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association, Jacksonville, FL.
Anderson, J., & Anderson, A. (2011, June). Judging the efficacy of a family literacy program: Parents look back twenty years later. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Fredericton, NB.
Anderson, J., Morrison, F., & *Friedrich, N. (2010, December). Promoting bilingualism and biliteracy in a family literacy program with immigrant and refugee families. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Fort Worth, TX.
Anderson, J., Morrison, F. & *Friedrich, N. (2010, June). Working with immigrant and refugee families in a bi-lingual family literacy program: Findings, insights, and challenges from year one of a three year project. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Montreal, PQ.
Anderson, A., Anderson, J., *Kim, J., & Shapiro, J. (2010, June). Mathematical talk in parent-child interactions while playing a board game: Four cases. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Montreal, PQ.
Purcell-Gates, V., Anderson, J., *Gagne, M, *Jang, K., *Lenters, K., & *McTavish, M. (2009, December). Literacy for Life: An inter-generational literacy program incorporating authentic literacy instruction. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, A., Anderson, J., Lynch, J., & *Kim, J. (2009, May). Questioning during shared book reading and children’s early literacy knowledge: Questioning some widely held assumptions. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, ON.
*Kim, J., & Anderson, J. (2008, December). Mother- child interactions while playing a word game in a minority cultural group (Korean). Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Reading Conference, Orlando, FL.
Hare, J., & Anderson, J. (2008, June). Connecting communities, connecting cultures: Supporting transitions to schooling and early childhood settings for children of aboriginal descent. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, J., Purcell-Gates, V., & *Gagne, M. (2008, June). What is ‘family’: Rethinking parent-child together time. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, A., Anderson, J., *Moffatt, L., & Shapiro, J. (2008, April). Math and gender: An exploratory study of parents and children playing a board game. Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-session, Salt Lake City, UT.
*Kim. J. & Anderson, J. (2007, November). Mother-child decontextualized talk while sharing print and electronic books. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Reading Conference, Austin, TX.
Asselin, M., Filipenko, M., & Anderson, J. (2007, November). Student teacher awareness of the functionality of text in early literacy development. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Council of Teachers of English, New York, NY.
Anderson, J., Morrison, F., Leighton-Stephens, D., & Shapiro, J. (2007, May). Listening to parents’ voices: Working with First Nations communities in a culturally responsive family literacy program. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Saskatoon, SK.
*Kim, J, Anderson, J., & Anderson, A. (2007, May). Mother-child interactions while playing a word game in Korean. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Saskatoon, SK.
Anderson, J., Streelasky, J., & Anderson, A. (2006, October). Representations of family literacy: A critical analysis of family literacy website. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the College Reading Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
Anderson, J. & Morrison, F. (2006, May). The parents write back: What’s valued in a family literacy program. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Toronto, ON.
Anderson, A., *Moffatt, M., Anderson, J., & Shapiro, J. (2006, May). Parents’ constructions of their preschool sons’ and daughters’ mathematical capabilities while playing a board game. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Toronto, ON.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2005, December). Valuing family Literacy: What do parents think? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2005, November). Parents As Literacy Supporters (PALS): A culturally responsive family literacy program. Paper presented at the Council of Ministers of Education Conference, Toronto, ON.
Streelasky, J. & Anderson, J. (2005, May). Representing and promoting family literacy on the WWW: An analysis of Canadian websites. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, London, ON.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., Shapiro, J. & *Frett, M. (2005, May). Parents and preschoolers shared reading of narrative and informational texts. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, London, ON.
Anderson, J. & Morrison, F. (2005, February). Working with inner city families: Our experiences with PALS (Parents As Literacy Supporters). Paper presented at the annual National Inner City Education Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, A, Anderson, J., Shapiro, J., & *Moffatt, L. (2004, November). Contexts for mathematics and literacy: A study of interactions between parents and their preschool children while playing a board game together. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Anaheim, CA.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2004, November). Evaluating a culturally responsive family literacy program: Listening to parents’ voices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Anaheim, CA.
Anderson, J., Filipenko, M., Lynch, J., & Anderson, A. (2003, December). Problems and issues in researching informational literacy: Cross-developmental inquires. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Anderson, J., Morrison, F., LeClair, B., Cody, S., & *Smythe, S. (2003, May). Issues and questions in family literacy programs. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Halifax, NS.
*Lynch, J., Anderson, J., Anderson, A., & Shapiro, J. (2003, May). Parents’ beliefs and their behaviors: What role do they play in young children’s language and literacy development? Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Halifax, NS.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, J., *Smythe, S., & Morrison, F. (2003, May). Assessment issues in family literacy programs. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Halifax, NS.
Anderson, A., Anderson, J., Shapiro, J., & *Lynch, J. (2003, May). Parents and young children sharing a board game: A study of parent mediation of mathematics and other literacies. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Halifax, NS.
Anderson, J., Kendrick, M., McKay, R., & *Smythe, S. (2002, December). Images of family literacy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Miami, FL.
*Lynch, J., Anderson, J., Anderson, A., & Shapiro, J. (2002, December). Parents’ beliefs and children’s early literacy achievement in families from culturally diverse backgrounds. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Miami, FL.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, J., Anderson, A., & *Lynch, J. (2002, November). Questioning the centrality of storybook reading in children’s early literacy development. Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., Shapiro, J., *Moffatt, L., & *Lynch, J. (2002, May). Parents and young children sharing storybooks: A study with families from diverse socio-cultural groups. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Toronto, ON.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, A., Anderson, J., & *Lynch, J. (2002, May). Critical perspectives of storybook reading in a multicultural society. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Toronto, ON.
*Reguish, N., Anderson, J., & Lee, E. (2002, May). The role of modified play centers in the acquisition and application of phonemic awareness knowledge. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Toronto, ON.
Anderson, J., Maldonado, O., Scott-Simmonds, D. (2002, May). Reviewing for The Reading Teacher. Panel discussion at the annual conference of the International Reading Association, San Francisco, CA.
Anderson, J., Shapiro, J., *Smythe, S., Johnson, W., LeClair, B., Morrison, F., Cody, S., Jensen, A., & Overgaard, V. (2003, May). Parents as Literacy Supporters (PALS): A school-family-university partnership to enhance early literacy development. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Reading Association, San Francisco, CA.
*Reguish, N., Anderson, J., & Lee, E. (2001, November). Using play to help develop young children’s phonemic awareness. Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, Orlando, FL.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, J., & *Smythe, S. (2001, November). Perspectives on two-inner city parent literacy programs. Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, Orlando, FL.
Anderson, J., Shapiro, J., *Smythe, S., Leclair, B., Morrison, F., Johnson, W., McColl, M., Pisiak, S., Apps, M., & Yakes, S. (2001, May). Multiple perspectives on a collaborative family literacy program: parents, practitioners, and researchers. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Quebec City, PQ.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, J., Anderson, A., & *Lynch, J. (2001, May). Do mothers and fathers differ in their storybook reading? Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Quebec City, PQ.
Anderson, J., Minnes-Brandes, G., & Lewison, M. (2000, November). Journal writing as a reflective tool in teacher education: Problem sharing, problem posing, problem solving from multiple perspectives. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, J., & Anderson, A. (2000, November). Differences in mother/father storybook reading to daughters/sons. Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, J., & Anderson, A. (2000, November). Why parents select the books they do for their young children. Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, November 2000, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., *Lynch, J., Shapiro, J., *Van der Wey, D. (2000, May). Fathers’ and mothers’ book selection preferences for their four-year-old children. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, May 2000, Edmonton, AB.
Anderson, A., Shapiro, J., & Anderson, J. (1999, December). Picture books as sites for helping children construct mathematical knowledge. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Reading Conference, Orlando, FL.
Anderson, J., Fagan, B., & Cronin, M. (1998, November). Critical issues in family literacy. Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, J., & Anderson, A. (1998, November). Sex differences in mother/child storybook reading interaction. Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, J., & Anderson, A. (1998, June). Children’s attention to illustrations, print or number concepts during storybook reading. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, ON.
Fagan, B., Anderson, J., & Cronin, M. (1998, June). Transfer of learning in early literacy programs: Issues and insights. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, ON.
Fagan, B., Anderson, J., & Cronin, M. (1997, November). Insights for implementing an effective family literacy program. Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, Boston, MA.
Anderson, A., Anderson, J., & Shapiro, J. (1997, November). Storybook reading: Contexts for sharing mathematics? Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, Boston, MA.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., & Shapiro, J. (1997, November). What do children attend to during storybook reading? Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, Boston, MA.
Anderson, J. (1997, June). Working with parents as partners in early literacy development. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, St. John’s, NL.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., & Shapiro, J. (1997, June). Interactions in shared book reading with young children. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, St. John’s, NL.
Fagan, B., Anderson, J., & Cronin, M. (1997, May). Early literacy development: From PRINTS to PARTNERS. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA.
*Salewski, W., & Anderson, J. (1996, November). Environmental print and learning to read: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, Charleston, SC.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, J., & Anderson, A. (1996, November). Differences in parental storybook reading: Should we generalize to diverse groups? Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, Charleston, SC.
*Salewski, W., & Anderson, J. (1996, June). Using environmental print to facilitate young children’s reading development. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, June 1996, St. Catherine’s, ON.
Anderson, J., & Shapiro, J. (1995, November). Diversity in parental literacy practice. Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, Clearwater Beach, FL.
Anderson, J. & Matthews, R. (1995, June). Kindergarten children’s emergent reading of favorite storybooks: A replication. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Montreal, PQ.
Anderson, J. (1994, October). Parents’ perceptions of emergent literacy: A cross-cultural perspective. Paper presented at the annual conference of the College Reading Association, New Orleans, LA.
Anderson, J. (1994, June). Young children’s home literacy environments: A cross-cultural perspective. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Calgary, AB.
Anderson, J. (1994, May). Parental and home influences on young children’s metalinguistic and metaliterate knowledge. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics, Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, J. (1993, June). How parents’ perceptions of literacy learning relate to children’s early literacy knowledge. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, Moncton, NB.
Anderson, J. (1993, June). Relationships between parents’ perceptions of literacy acquisition and their children’s early literacy knowledge. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, ON.
Anderson, J. (1992, June). Emergent literacy: The beliefs and practices of parents of preschoolers. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Charlottetown, PEI.