Gagne, M., Collier, D., Anderson, J., & Purcell-Gates, V. (2010). Literacy for Life: An Intergenerational Literacy Program (A Handbook for Practitioners). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Council for Learning. Available at . (104 pages)
Anderson, A., Anderson, J., Hare, J., & McTavish, M. (2016). Language, learning and culture in early childhood: Family, school and community contexts. New York: Routledge.
Anderson, J., Kendrick, M., Rogers, T., & Smythe, S. (2005). Portraits of literacy across families, communities and schools: Intersections and tensions. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Chapman, M. & Anderson, J. (1995). Thinking globally about language education. Vancouver: Center for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction, U.B.C.
Book Chapters
Anderson, A. & Anderson, J. (In press). “Pedagogical” mathematics during play at home” an exploratory study. In P. Hundeland, I. Erfjord, & M. Carlsen (Eds), Mathematics Education in the Early Years – Results from the POEM4 Conference, 2018. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., & *Ghaffartehrani, M. (2019). Transitions in early childhood education (Canada). In R. Heydon & M. Waniganayake (Eds.), Early Childhood Education. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. DOI: 10.5040/9781474209441.0049
Anderson, A., Anderson, J., Kim, J., & McTavish, M. (2019). Using mixed methods research with young children and their families in culturally, linguistically and socially diverse communities. In N. Kucirkova, J. Rowsell, & G. Falloon (Eds.) The Routledge international handbook of playing and learning with technology in early childhood (pp. 280-293). London: Routledge
Anderson, A. & Anderson, J. (2018). Instruction and construction of mathematics at home: An exploratory study. In C. Benz, H. Gasteiger, A. Steinweg, P. Schoner, H. Vollmuth, & J. Zollner (Eds.) Mathematics Education in the Early Years-Results from the POEM3 Conference, 2016 (pp. 281-298). Springer Publishers
Anderson, A. & Anderson, J. (2018). Math-in-context: A study of the types of math preschoolers ‘do’ at home. In I. Elia, J. Mulligan, A. Anderson, A. Baccaglini-Frank, & C. Benz (Eds.). Contemporary research and perspectives on early childhood mathematics education (pp. 183-202), Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., & *Sadiq, A. (2018). Family literacy programs and young children’s language and literacy development: Beginning to pay attention to families’ first languages. In O Saracho (Ed.). Research in young children’s literacy and language development. New York: Routledge. [Reprint]
Anderson, J., & Anderson, A. (2017). Immigrant and refugee families and family literacy programs: Perspectives, insights and challenges. In B Culligan and G. Mehigan (Eds.), Exploring the literacy landscape: Celebrating 40 years of practice (pp. 136-142). Dublin, Ireland: Literacy Association of Ireland.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., *Friedrich, N., & *Teichert, L. (2017).“You guys should offer the program more often!”: Some perspectives from working alongside immigrant and refugee families in a bilingual family literacy program. In C. McLachlan and A. Arrow (Eds.), Literacy in the early years – Reflections on international research and practice (pp.63-78). New York: Springer.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., & *Rajagopal, H. (2017). Promoting first language maintenance and capitalizing on “funds of knowledge” in a family literacy program. InN. Kucirkova,C. Snow, V. Grover & C. McBride-Chang (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of early literacy education (pp. 351-361). New York: Routledge.
Anderson, A., Anderson, J., Hare, J., McTavish, M., & *Prendergast, T. (2016). Language, learning and culture in early childhood: Home, school and community contexts-An introduction. In A. Anderson, J. Anderson, J. Hare, & M. McTavish (Eds.), Language, learning and culture in early childhood: Home, school and community contexts (pp. 1-18). New York: Routledge.
Anderson, J., Friedrich, N., Morrison, F., & *Teichert, L. (2016). “Now he knows that there are two kinds of writing, two kinds of reading”: Insights and issues in working with immigrant and refugee families and communities in a bilingual family literacy program. In A. Anderson, J. Anderson, J. Hare, & M. McTavish (Eds.), Language, learning and culture in early childhood: Home, school and community contexts (pp.82-102). New York: Routledge.
Anderson, A., Anderson, J., Hare, J., & McTavish, M. (2014). Research with young children and their families in aboriginal, immigrant and refugee communities. In O. Saracho (Ed.) Handbook of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education: Volume II (pp. 115-145). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (Invited)
Anderson, J., Moffatt, L., McTavish, M., & Shapiro, J. (2013). Thinking critically about early childhood language education: Socio-cultural Perspectives. In O. Saracho & B. Spodek (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children/3ed (pp. 117-134). New York: Routledge.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., *Friedrich, N. & *Kim, J. (2012).Taking stock of Family Literacy: Some contemporary perspectives. In K. Pahl & J. Rowsell (Eds.), Major works in Early Childhood Literacy, Volume II(pp. 219-238). London: Sage. [reprint]
Anderson, J. & Morrison, F. (2011). Learning from/with immigrant and refugee families in a family literacy program. In A. Lazar & P. Schmidt (Eds.) Practicing What We Teach: How Culturally Responsive Literacy Classrooms Make a Difference ( pp. 30-38). New York: Teachers College Press.
Anderson, J., Morrison, F., & Hayden, R. (2009). Family literacy goes to school: Perspectives, programs, possibilities . In M. Sanders & R. Hayden (Eds.). Inter-provincial/territorial training for family literacy. Edmonton, AB: Center for Family Literacy.
Anderson, A., Anderson, J., & Thauberger, C. (2008) Mathematics learning and teaching in the early years. In O. Saracho & B. Spodek (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives in Early Childhood Mathematics (pp. 95-132). Greenwich, CT: Information age Publishing.
Anderson, J., Moffatt, L., & Shapiro, J. (2006). Reconceptualizing language education in early childhood: Socio-cultural perspectives. In B. Spodek & O. Saracho (Eds.), Handbook of research on the education of young children (pp.135-151). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Anderson, J., Smythe, S., & Shapiro, J. (2005). Working with families, communities and schools: A critical case study. In J. Anderson, M. Kendrick, T. Rogers & S. Smythe (Eds.), Portraits of literacy across families, communities and schools: Intersections and tensions. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kendrick, M., Rogers, T., Smythe, S., & Anderson, J. (2005). Portraits of literacy across families, communities and schools: An introduction. In J. Anderson, M. Kendrick, T. Rogers & S. Smythe (Eds.), Portraits of literacy across families, communities and schools: Intersections and tensions. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Anderson, J., Anderson, A., Lynch, J., & Shapiro, J. (2003). Storybook reading in a multicultural society: Critical perspectives. In A. van Kleeck, S.A, Stahl, & E.B. Bauer (Eds.), On reading books to children: Parents and teachers (pp. 203-230). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Anderson, J. Smythe, S., & Lynch, J. (2003). Family literacy. In J. Ponzetti (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of marriage and family relationships, Second Edition (pp. 601-605). New York: MacMillan Reference USA.
Goelman, H., Andersen, C., Anderson, J., Gouzouasis, P., Kendrick, M., Kindler, A., Porath, M., &Young-Koh, J. (2003). Early Childhood Education. In W.M. Reynolds & G.E. Miller (Eds.), Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology Volume Seven: Educational Psychology (pp. 285-331). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Gunderson, L., & Anderson, J. (2003). Multicultural views of literacy learning and teaching. In A. Willis, G. Garcia, R. Barrera, & V. Harris (Eds.), Multicultural Issues in Literacy Research and Practice (pp.123-144). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Shapiro, J., Anderson, J., & Anderson, A. (2002). Storybook reading: What we know and what we should consider. In O. Saracho & B. Spodek (Eds.) Contemporary Perspectives in Early Literacy (pp. 77-97). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Anderson, J., & Gunderson, L. (2000). Literacy learning from a multicultural perspective. In R. Robinson, M. McKenna & J. Wedman (Eds.) Issues and Trends in Literacy Education (pp. 90-93). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. (Previously published as: Anderson, J., & Gunderson, L. (1997). Literacy learning from a multicultural perspective. The Reading Teacher, 50, 514-516.)
Gunderson, L., & Anderson, J. (1999). An exploration of Internet access for literacy teachers and learners. In J. Blanchard (Ed.). Educational Computing in the Schools: Technology, Communication, and Literacy (pp. 5-11). Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press.
Anderson, J., & Gunderson, L. (1998). Literacy learning from a multicultural perspective. In M. Opitz (Ed). Literacy Instruction for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. (pp. 46- 49). Newark, DEL: International Reading Association. (Previously published as: Anderson, J., & Gunderson, L. (1997). Literacy learning from a multicultural perspective. The Reading Teacher, 50, 514-516.)
Chapman, M., & Anderson, J. (1995). Toward a global perspective on language education. In M. Chapman & J. Anderson (Eds.), Thinking globally about language education (pp.1-14). Vancouver, BC: Center for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction.
Anderson, J., & Chapman, M. (1994). A day in two whole-language classrooms. In V. Froese (Ed.), Whole-language: Practice and theory (2nd ed.). (pp. 23-65). Scarborough, ON: Allyn & Bacon.
* graduate student co-author