Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2012, January). Parents as Literacy Supporters In Immigrant Communities. One day professional development for facilitators and working committee members of the Parents as Literacy Supporters in Immigrant Communities Project, Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, J. (2010, October). What is family literacy? Principles and perspectives. Presentation to Aboriginal Head Start Family Literacy Program facilitators, Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, J. (2009, November). Family literacy: Working with families and communities. Presentation to West Point Grey primary/elementary teachers, Vancouver, BC.
Morrison, F., Anderson, J., & Stromquilst, G. (2008, November, 2008). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. One day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers, Ashcroft, BC.
Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2008, November, 2008). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. One day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers, Surrey, BC.
Anderson, J., Morrison, F., & Rai, R. (2008, November). Working with families in culturally and linguistically diverse communities to support young children’s literacy development. Presentation to the Surrey school District Professional Development Day, Surrey, BC.
Anderson, J., Purcell-Gates, Creighton, G., V., Gagne, M., Koh, K., Lenters, K., & Mctavish, M. (2008, November). Literacy for Life: Intergenerational Literacy program. Settlement Workers in Schools Professional Day, Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School, Vancouver, BC.
Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2008, September). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. Two day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers, Surrey, BC.
Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2008, March). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. Two day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers, Langley, BC.
Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2008, March). Linking literacy and play in developmentally appropriate ways. Presentation to students and faculty, Early Childhood Education Program, Vancouver Community College.
Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2008, February). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. Two day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers, Langley, BC.
Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2008, February). Linking literacy and play in developmentally appropriate ways. Presentation to the Children the Heart of the Matter Conference, Surrey, BC.
Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2007, October). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. One day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers, Smithers, BC.
Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2007, September). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. One day institute for speech-language pathologists and early childhood educators, Speech Services Niagara, St. Catherine’s, Ontario).
Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2007, August). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. One day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers. Family Literacy Training Institute, Center for family Literacy, Edmonton, Alberta.
Morrison, F. & Anderson, J. (2006, November). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. Two day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers. Kelowna, BC.
Anderson, J. 2006, June). Working with families and communities. Presentation to teachers, administrators, multi-cultural workers, Senator Reed Elementary School, Surrey, BC.
Morrison, F. & Anderson, J. (2006, June). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. One day institute for teachers, administrators, adult educators, and childcare workers from throughout Ontario, Kingston, ON.
Anderson, J. (2006, May). Literacy learning and play. Presentation to parents and teachers, Vancouver Child Study Center, Vancouver, B. C.
Morrison, F. & Anderson, J. (2006, April). Linking language, literacy and play. Presentation to parents, early childhood educators, and teachers of Prince Rupert School District, Prince Rupert, BC.
Morrison, F. & Anderson, J. (2006, January). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. Two day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers. Squamish, BC.
Morrison, F. & Anderson, J. (2006, January). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. One day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers. Port Clements, BC.
Morrison, F. & Anderson, J (2006, January). Linking literacy and play. Presentation to early childhood educators, parents and teachers of Haida Gwaii School District, Skidegate, BC.
Morrison, F. & Anderson, J. (2006, January). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. Three day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers. Langley, BC.
Morrison, F. & Anderson, J (2006, January). Linking literacy and play. Presentation to early childhood educators, parents and teachers of Gold Trail School District, Ashcroft, BC.
Morrison, F. & Anderson, J. (2006, January). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. Two day institute for teachers, administrators, and childcare workers. Ashcroft, BC.
Morrison, F. & Anderson, J. (2005, September). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. Two day institute for teachers, administrators, and childcare workers. Terrace, BC.
Morrison, F. & Anderson, J. (2005, September). Foundational training in community/family literacy: Parents as Literacy Supporters. Two day institute for teachers, administrators, speech-language pathologists, and childcare workers. Smithers, BC.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2004, June). Supporting literacy in families and communities and schools. One-day institute for parents, teachers, administrators, and childcare workers, Shihiya School, Spallumcheen First Nation, Enderby, BC.
Anderson, J., Cody, S., & Morrison, F. (2004, June). Parents As Literacy Supporters: Assumptions, development, implementation and assessment/evaluation. Two-day institute for child-care workers, teachers, administrators, parents and support workers, Okanagan/Shuswap districts, Vernon, BC.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2004, January). Working with families: Assumptions and beliefs. Presentation to the Langley Family Literacy Institute, Langley, BC.
Morrison, F., & Anderson, J. (2004, March). Working with families and communities. One day institute for teachers, administrators, parents and support workers, Prince Rupert School District, Prince Rupert, BC.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2003, October). Early literacy at home and at school. Presentation to the West Point Grey Academy parents and teachers, Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2003, September). Family literacy: Community –school partnerships. Presentation to the Queensborough Education Committee, New Westminster, BC.
Morrison, F., Anderson, J. & Cody, S. (2003, April). Developing, implementing, and assessing culturally responsive family literacy programs in First Nations Communities. Two-day institute for teachers, parents, administrators, and child care workers, Nisga’a School district, Gitwinksihlkw Elementary School, Gitwinksihlkw, BC.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2003, February). Assessment, evaluation and research in family literacy programs. Presentation to the Langley Family Literacy Institute, Langley, BC.
Anderson, J., Morrison, F., & Cody, S. (2002, October). Developing, implementing, and assessing culturally responsive family literacy programs in First Nations Communities. Two-day institute for teachers, parents, administrators, and childcare workers, Deh Gah Elementary School, Fort Providence, NWT.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2002, May). Assessment, evaluation and research in family literacy programs. Presentation to the Langley Family Literacy Institute, Langley, BC.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2002, May). Assumptions underpinning culturally responsive family literacy programs. Presentation to the Langley Family Literacy Institute, Langley, BC.
Anderson, J. (2001, April). Assessment of children’s literacy development: PALS, Year 1. Presentation to staff of Douglas Park Community School, Langley, BC.
Anderson, J., Morrison, F., Johnson, W., Apps, M., & Yakes, S. (2001, February). PALS: A collaborative family literacy project. Presentation at the Coquitlam Teachers’ Association Professional Development Day, Coquitlam, BC.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2001, January). Assessment, evaluation and research in family literacy programs. Presentation to the Langley Family Literacy Institute, Langley, BC.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (2001, January). Assumptions underpinning culturally responsive family literacy programs. Presentation to the Langley Family Literacy Institute, Langley, BC.
Anderson, J., Morrison, F., Shapiro, J., & Smythe, S. (2001, January). Parents as Literacy Supporters (PALS): A culturally responsive family literacy program. Poster session presented at the Exploring Literacy Forum, Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, J. (1999, January). Young children and literacy. Presentation to parents and staff, Bayview Parent Participation Preschool, Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, J., & Morrison, F. (1998, October). Evaluating culturally responsive family literacy programs. Presentation to the Mayor’s Advisory Committee, Langley City Council, Langley, BC.
Anderson, J. (1993, May). Helping young children become literate. Presentation to parents and staff, West Point Grey Baptist Church Preschool, Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, J., & Wakefield, J. (1993, March). Relationships between parents’ perceptions of literacy learning and their children’s emerging literacy knowledge. Research in Progress Colloquium, U.B.C. Child Study Center, Vancouver, BC.
Anderson, J. (1989, November). Curriculum implementation: Where we are and where we need to go. Paper presented at the First Policy Conference of the Newfoundland Association of Superintendents of Education, Grand Falls, NL.
Anderson, J. (1988, March). A process approach to learning to write. Presentation to the Woodland Elementary Parent-Teacher Association, New Harbour, NL.
Anderson, J. (1988, February). Literature based reading programs. Port-De-Grave Parent-Teacher Association, Port-de-Grave, NL.
Anderson, J. (1988). The role of spelling in the language arts program. Presentation to Acreman Elementary Parent-Teacher Association, Green’s Harbour, NL.
Anderson, J. (1987, May). Reading and writing strategies: What young learners do. Presentation to the Whitbourne Elementary Parent-Teacher Association, Whitbourne, NL. Anderson, J. (1986, May). Future directions in learning and teaching language arts. Presentation to the Upper Trinity South Branch of the Newfoundland Teachers’ Association Professional Development Day, New Harbour, NL.
Anderson, J. (1984, June). At risk readers and writers: Assessment, curriculum and instruction. One day Institute for Resource Teachers of the Bonavista-Trinity-Placentia Integrated School Board, Clarenville, NL.
Anderson, J. (1984, April). Using big books in the primary reading classroom. Presentation to the Clarenbridge Special Interest Reading Council, Clarenville, NL.
Anderson, J. (1982, March). Helping your child become a reader and writer. Presentation to the Arnold’s Cove Parent- Teacher Association, Arnold’s Cove, NL.
Other participation
Member, Social Science and Humanities Research Council Information Panel for Graduate Students, Faculty of Education, July 2015
Member, Social Science and Humanities Research Council Information Panel for Graduate Students, Faculty of Education, July 2014
Member, Social Science and Humanities Research Council Panel for Graduate Students, September 2013
Member, Social Science and Humanities Research Council Information Panel for Graduate Students, Faculty of Education, July 2012
Member, Social Science and Humanities Research Council Information Panel for Graduate Students, Faculty of Education, July 2011
Member, Social Science and Humanities Research Council Information Panel for Graduate Students, Faculty of Education, July 2010
Chair, English language learning for diverse populations in North America, AERA, April 2015.
Chair, What are You Thinking?, CSSE, June 2013
Chair, Adult-Child Interactions, CSSE, June 2010.
Chair, Literacy practices in language and mathematics, CSSE, May 2008
Discussant, A family literacy nights program: Impact on parental attitudes and behaviors, CSSE, June 2008
Discussant, Encouraging home-school partnerships through web-based portals. CSSE, June 2008.
Discussant, Early literacy and school success from an international perspective-Literacy practices and proficiencies of 4 to 8 year old children from diverse backgrounds within the context of home, preschool and elementary school, 15thEuropean Conference on Reading, August 2007.
Chair, Issues of literacy education with young children and issues of ESL/CLD, CSSE, May 2007
Chair, Literacies, CSSE, May 2007.
Chair, Home, school, community relations, CSSE, May 2007.
Chair, Celebrating diversity: Mapping the family literacy landscape. CSSE, May 2006.
Chair, Literacy, family and community. CSSE, May 2006.